- Back Pain
- Headaches/ Migraines
- Degenerative Disc Disease
- Neck Pain
- Sciatica
- Scoliosis
- Disc Herniation
Back Pain
An approximate 75-85% of all Americans experience back pain at least once in their lives. Due to that, back pain is also the most common reason that people miss work, and is a leading cause of disability worldwide.
Ranging in severity, back pain can be relatively short-term, long-term, or recurring throughout one’s life. As back pain chiropractors, our job is to limit the severity of your back pain, or, ideally, eliminate it completely — without surgery.
In a recent study that monitored 222 patients throughout their chiropractic treatments revealed a 4X improvement in motor function after an average of 5 visits. Back pain chiropractic treatment can eliminate reliance on prescription pain killers that only treat the symptoms, not the cause, of your back pain.
- Muscle Tension: Sometimes back pain is due to improper posture, strain, or stress that causes your muscles to seize.
- Herniated Disc: Also called a slipped disc, this can be due to an accident or incident that put extensive strain on your vertebrae and caused a pinched nerve or bone spurs.
- Spinal Stenosis: This narrowing of the spinal canal can cause numbness and pain because of the compression on the nerves and spinal cord
- Osteoarthritis: Joint pain due to deteriorated cartilage in the vertebrae can be managed through adjustments, physical therapy, and an overall wellness plan
- Sciatica: Seeking out a chiropractor for sciatica can address the root cause of upper leg or lower back pain.
How we diagnose and treat your back pain:
As a back pain clinic, we’re not in the business of treating your symptoms, but of diagnosing and relieving the root cause of your back pain. Our process includes a consultation to determine the type of pain, where it originates, and whether it worsens or lessens with pressure or movement such as walking.
We’ll discuss your blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and reflexes, as well as conduct neurological tests to assess muscle tone and strength and neurological integrity. From there, we can determine whether scans (such as an X-Ray, CT, or MRI) are needed to rule out fractures or diagnose a spinal malfunction.
Based on the cause of your back pain, we can employ a number of chiropractic alignments or physical therapy treatments in order to address and treat your issue.
Spine and back health is important not only in the older population, but in order to promote a healthy neurological system as part of a complete wellness plan. Just like nutrition and exercise are important to maintaining your body, chiropractic adjustments can aid in a better overall well being.
Headaches/ Migraines
A headache is something that pretty much everyone has experienced at least once in their lives. The severity, however, varies greatly. Some people experience headaches on a near frequent basis that are annoying, but don’t prevent them from going about their everyday life.
Chiropractic Treatment for Migraines & Headaches
Some people, however, experience completely debilitating migraines that force them into a pitch black room blocked away from all sound so that they can (hopefully) sleep it off.
There are 100 million headache suffers in the United States alone, and 16% of the total population suffers from migraines. Aside from reactive medicines established for sufferers to take when they begin experiencing a headache, the only effective and proactive method is chiropractic treatment for migraines.
Headache triggers can be food, stress, tension, or even behaviors such as lack of sleep or insomnia, but the most common cause of primary headaches (headaches not caused by disease) is directly related to muscle tension in the neck.
More often than not this muscle tension is caused from sitting at a desk or in the same position for an extended period of time.
How can chiropractic for headaches help?
Since the core root of a headache is the misalignment or chemical interruption in your system, factors addressed through chiropractic treatment for migraines focus on relieving the stress or tension in your body. Headaches chiropractors can do this through spinal adjustments, exercises to correct your posture, and creating a complete wellness and nutrition plan that includes food that won’t trigger headaches.
If your headache is figurative, and the pain is actually in your feet, we are also plantar fasciitis chiropractors as your complete wellness practitioners.
Degenerative Disc Disease
Degenerative disc disease is when natural changes in the discs of your spine cause pain. The discs between vertebrae act as shock absorbers for your spine, and as you age, they begin to lose flexibility. While this is a normal part of aging, it should not cause pain. If you experience pain due to this, it is classified as degenerative disc disease.
Each disc is composed of a sturdy outer wall and a soft, gel-like inner core. When we are born, these discs are primarily composed of water, but as age advances, the discs lose some of this water content and begin to get thinner. As you might imagine, this means each disc doesn’t absorb the shocks of everyday life as well.
Neck Pain
Due to an increasing number of people sitting at a desk for prolonged periods of time, complaints of neck pain and neck strain are on the rise — affecting 45% of today’s workers.
If you’ve been experiencing neck, shoulder, or upper back pain, seeking neck pain treatment is your best first step to getting back to normal.
There are various treatments for neck pain, ranging from massage to spinal manipulation, all accompanied by a proper nutrition and posture correction.
Why do I have neck pain?
Office Fatigue:
You could be experience neck pain for a number of reasons, but most commonly neck pain presents itself because of improper posture of positioning when using computers or phones for extended periods of time. Other causes of your office configuration could be an incorrect chair height and desk posture.
The ergonomics of office settings have become a relatively recent public discussion. Some easy tips to prevent yourself from developing office fatigue include:
- Your computer monitor should be at arm’s length away
- Wrists straight, at or below elbow level
- Knees should be level with hips
- Your chair should support the natural curve of your spine
- Minimize reaching by placing objects near
Poor Posture:
When you slouch, your head stretches numerous muscles and can cause blood flow and airflow to become laboured. Vertebrae can be pulled out of alignment, pectoral and sternum muscles become incredibly strong, and your spine could even become curved.
How to Resolve Neck Pain:
Neck pain chiropractic care seeks to diagnose the reason for your neck pain, as well as to pinpoint any symptoms you may be experiencing because of it. Whether stress has caused tension to build up in your shoulders, or you’re suffering from poor posture or office ergonomics, a chiropractor for neck pain can address the real issue instead of masking your pain with pills.
Even in the most severe causes, exercises and stretches can be adopted in combination with spinal manipulation that strengthens your lower back muscles and can facilitate better posture.
Our neck pain chiropractors can ensure that your symptoms are addressed, and that you have the complete wellness plan in place to deal with the root cause of your pain. As a complete back pain clinic, we can ensure that whatever your symptoms, the right plan is put in place to keep you happy and healthy.
Your sciatic nerve is located underneath the spine behind your pelvis, but pain can start in your lower back and radiate down the back of your leg. If you’re experiencing this constant pain, or intense muscle spasms in one buttock and leg, you’re not alone. There are more than 3 million cases of sciatica per year in the United States alone.
Chiropractic Treatment for Sciatica
While this kind of pain can be caused by pressure on the nerve, there could be more sinister causes to your leg pain that need to be acknowledged to ensure that it isn’t a routine occurrence.
Hot/Cold Therapy
By reducing inflammation, we can instantly reduce the pain you’re experiencing and therefore get a better idea of where the pain is originating and why.
Spinal Adjustments
If a misaligned vertebrae putting pressure on your sciatic nerve is the cause of your
pain, sciatica chiropractic treatment can reposition your these vertebra to their proper position.
If a slipped disc is the cause of your sciatica pain, seeking a chiropractor for your herniated disc is your best course of action. Focusing on a complete diagnosis through X-Rays or CT scans means that we can better address the root cause of your pain, and deliver the best treatment.